Text-format 'Reading' type EPG to grey-scale PNG conversion

Paste below
  • the EPG from any section of the N column of FEAMU EPG articulatory corpus .XLSX annotation file (a sample can be downloaded here, 4.2MB)
  • Any series of ones and zeroes that describe the EPG signal the following way (see the fig.):
    • 1's and 0's in the first column of the input describe the first i.e. post-dental row of electrode activations (1 = electrode contacted by the tongue, 0 = electrode not contacted)
    • in that column, digits on the first and last position should always be 0 as they are never activated/present in 'Reading' type palate
    • in each subsequent column of the input, 1's and 0's should describe activations of the subsequent rows of the EPG frame from left to right.
    • up to 10 000 lines, all lines have to have the format matched by the regular expression ([01]{8} ){8} (last space optional). So, if you paste more than 10k lines, the last line will be probably cut in the middle and the program will return an error. In such case, remove the last line and repeat the process or mail me the request for raising the limit.
or just leave it as it is if you want to quickly test the system.

Version history

v1 - 20/05/2020 14:54
v1.1 - 21/06/2021 17:45 (new server paths)

author: G.Krynicki, May 20th 2020